Don’t Be Cruel

Once again, I am 0-???. I’m starting to lose count but I’m not winning. Friday evening, MadMaloney and I were discussing our next creative projects and one thing we both agreed upon was that it would be nice to have new potholders. Brilliant! It’s a square, it’s useful and that’s about it. I have tons of scraps sitting around and I could make at least 3-4 on Saturday afternoon. So I did some research and found a bunch of free potholder tutorials online. All I would need to buy? Some bias tape for the edging and some heat-resistant batting. I already had some really cool Elvis fabric that I purchased in Graceland.

Saturday morning I set out for Hobby Lobby feeling rejuvenated from previous failures and confident that today would be the day I begin to pull myself out of this sewing slump, this losing streak that I spend sleepless nights analyzing mistakes upon mistakes. And I was going to do it with potholders no less. As I stood waiting for my Insul-Brite heat resistant batting to be cut, the salesgirl asked me what I intended to make. I felt like a kid sharing my most precious secret, “I’m making potholders”. “Oh, what a great idea. And so simple”, she said. “I may buy some of this today and make some too”. The difference between me and the salesgirl? Hers probably came out okay.

Well, I measured and cut out squares really neatly with my rotary cutter and even decided to try out some quilting techniques with the layers and layers of fabric. Easy peasy! My sewing machine and I are finally becoming friendly. I wish I could say that these came out okay but they are a disaster and for once (okay not for once), but I don’t really know what happened. All I know is they are messy as sin! The pictures are forgiving, but the amount of mess and loopy threads hanging out all over the place is amazing. See for yourself:

Look at the details of mess!

What are these loops everywhere?

This bias tape is not easy to play with.

I can’t even sew a straight square. And I’m so bummed about this, that I’m taking a little break from crafting for awhile. It’s not too expensive of a hobby, but I don’t see any progress. MadMaloney seems to think I don’t like to follow directions and maybe there is a little truth to that, but I really do want to succeed at this. I just need a little time to reflect and regroup. That being said, I did just receive a vintage pattern set of Barbie clothes 🙂

One Comment to “Don’t Be Cruel”

  1. Awww! Practice makes perfect right? You’ll get it then you’ll look back on this blog as a memory of your craftiness beginnings. 🙂

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